Stretch your input dollars with nanoliquid™ technology
Aqua-Yield® products improve vigor and stress tolerance of ornamental plants
with NPK and critical micronutrients throughout the season.
NanoGro® delivers a robust blend of biostimulant and NPK, energized by Aqua-Yield® nanoliquid™ Technology to provide fast, strong establishment of ornamental crops. NanoGro® throughout the season can add vigor to the roots, stems and leaves, as well as promote flowering. NanoGro® is a completely unique and powerful product for superior crop growth and yield potential.
General Recommendation:
4 to 6 oz. NanoGro® per 100 gal of stock solution when applied by fertigation, drench or sprench. Aqua-Yield® products are intended to supplement any fertility program.
NanoPack™ delivers sulfur, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc energized by Aqua-Yield® nanoliquid™ Technology. NanoPack™ brings critical micronutrients to plants when soil levels are low. When applied throughout the growing season, NanoPack™ prevents nutrient deficiencies that limit crop yield while boosting plant metabolism and overall health.
General Recommendation:
2 to 6 oz. NanoPack™ per 100 gal of stock solution when applied by fertigation, drench or sprench. Aqua-Yield® products are intended to supplement any fertility program.
We're a trusted boots-on-the-ground partner who'll help you test and prove our products on your acreage. And we provide the answers and products you need in a timely way.