
Sugar Beets

sugar beets

Stretch your input dollars with nanoliquid™ technology

sugar beets

Nanoliquid™ technology
for your
sugar beets

By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing February 1, 2024
Some of their success has been attributed to two sustainable product lines which continue to prove their worth in providing early and faster growth, more healthy plants and cost-effective returns on investment: Calcine® and nanotechnology-based products from Aqua-Yield®.
By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing July 28, 2022
“NanoK® should be applied at 4 oz per acre with Cercospora and herbicide spraying at least three times during the bulking stage of growth. Timely applications of this potassium acetate nanoliquid provides that boost to increase sugars.”
Sugar Beets
By Jenny Phillips, Director of Marketing June 22, 2021
The payback for the producer has been a $17 investment and a return per acre of over $100 for the additional sugar harvest. Potassium has long shown to have a positive influence on sugar in most crops and now in sugar beets.
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Apply NanoCS™ to enhance the liquid starter program with additional NPK. Aqua-Yield® promotes salt reduction due to a lower rate of conventional starter.

Manage nitrogen efficiently with the addition of NanoN+™ to enhance nitrogen utilization without adding more total pounds of nitrogen. Nitrogen deficiency leads to poor leaf canopies, premature yellowing, and low tonnage yield. A balance is important as excessive nitrogen can lead to reduced sucrose.


Apply NanoPack® to increase micronutrient efficiency and plant health. Apply NanoN+™ for additional nitrogen management. Apply NanoK® for a boost of potassium.

Beet Development - Harvest:

Apply NanoK® for aiding the crop through stressful conditions and to help increase yield and sugar content.

All Season:

Apply 4 oz NanoPro® with crop protection applications to help enhance weed control, improve fungicide effectiveness, and to produce a healthier crop.

Crookston, MN 2018

The graph above shows K levels were higher where Aqua-Yield® products were applied. Tissue samples were collected in late August and processed by Midwest Labs (Omaha, NE). Harvesting logistics prevented the final yield from being collected separately, however the growers were very satisfied with the results. A fourth grower applied NanoGro® in a trial field late-season and immediately saw higher N and P levels in the leaf in multiple fields tested.

“The first year we tried a few different rates and combinations of Calcine® and Aqua-Yield® products within a 160 acre sugar beet field to now this year we will use Calcine® and 5 different Aqua-Yield® products on every acre of sugar beets we plant. We use the NanoCS®, which is in with Calcine® and our regular starter in sugar beets. Throughout the year, when we’re spraying Roundup®, we use the NanoPro® to help with the efficacy of that. Later in the year when we're doing some cercospra spraying, we add in the NanoK® to all three applications to help boost the late season sugar percentage in the sugar beets. 

We've tried 14 different combinations and we've never had any issues with volatility, crop injury or mixing, so that's been a key reason we've kept using it. The bottom line on it is that it's not adding any salt to the soil, which almost every fertilizer is salt based in some aspects. We've seen improvements in all our crops.”

-Sevrin Anderson, Fifth-Generation Farmer

Drayton, ND

Sugar beet trials: impact of late season applications of NanoK® on sugar content

Trials were conducted in 2019 and 2020 to see how late season applications of NanoK® nanoliquid can improve sugar content of sugar beets. The trials show that applying NanoK® is proven to help aiding the crop through stressful conditions while increasing yield and sugar content. At just 4 oz/ac NanoK® provided a simple fertility solution yet significant return on investment.


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