


Technical Topics

  • What makes nano different?

    Nano is a size classification for very small. Nanoparticles are generally 1-100 nanometers in size which makes them:

    • Have unique physical properties
    • Ideal for specialized applications
    • Readily absorbed by plants
  • What other industries use nanoparticles?

    Nanoparticles are utilized in numerous industries including medicine, electronics, computer science, solar power, air purification, and more. Aqua-Yield® nanoparticles are designed specifically for application to plants.


  • What is Aqua-Yield® nanoliquid™ technology?

    Nanoliquid™ technology is a patented carrier additive that uses nanoparticles to load and carry any liquid products in a tank mixture. Loaded nanoparticles deliver a higher volume of crop inputs when applied to plants.


  • How does Nanoliquid technology work?
    • Loading: Nanoparticles load with fertilizers and crop protection products instantly through ionic exchange on the charged surface of the nanoparticle.
    • Delivery: Loaded nanoparticles are rapidly absorbed into leaves and roots through a process called endocytosis.
    • Release: Products are released and available to the plant after the nanoparticle is absorbed.


  • What are Aqua-Yield® nanoparticles made of?

    Aqua-Yield® nanoparticles are made of porous silica and range from 10-100 nanometers in size. 

Product Use Topics

  • Do I need to worry about compatibility?

    Nanoliquid™ products are highly compatible with other fertilizer and chemical products.  Contact your local sales representative for information about specific products.

  • How have nanoliquid™ products been tested?

    Nanoliquid™ technology research and trials are ongoing in cooperation with research institutions and large growers. Aqua-Yield® has performed and sponsored hundreds of trials on various crops. Contact your sales representative for more information.

  • Do I need to change my current fertility program?

    No, nanoliquid™ technology enhances the efficiency of your current crop inputs without changing your program.

  • What kind of ROI (return on investment) should growers expect?

    Growers who add nanoliquid™ products with every application can expect improvements in crop yield and quality, as well as improved control of weeds, diseases, and insect pests. Growers report an ROI starting at 3:1 and much higher in many cases.

  • Are there any restrictions on application to certain crops?

    Generally no, however some products are registered differently depending on your state. Contact your sales representative for more information.

  • Why are nanoliquid™ rates from Aqua-Yield® only 2-6 oz per acre?

    1 oz of nanoliquid™ contains billions of nanoparticles available to load with crop inputs. Aqua-Yield® formulations target a low volume use rate to reduce packaging waste and increase ease of use.

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