

Stretch your input dollars with nanoliquid™ technology

Nanoliquid™ technology
for your potato

Early Season

NanoPhos® for enhanced root development: NanoPhos® increases root absorption of phosphorous, which enhances early applications, enabling plants to develop strong rooting systems. Improved rooting systems lead to increased tuber sets.

NanoN+ for improved nitrogen use efficiency: When NanoN+ is deployed into nitrogen programs on potatoes, growers can manage their nitrogen more efficiently. Balancing nitrogen throughout early growth is critical for tuber formation and plant health.

NanoGro® or NanoCS for at planting stimulation and strong emergence:  Both products contain robust biostimulants and balanced nutrition for better emergence and plant health.

Mid-Late Season

NanoCalSi is effective in optimizing calcium programs, increasing the absorption of calcium by the plant. Positively impacting quality and skin set, both of which are critical for long-term storage. 

NanoK® applications help improve overall plant health and yield:  NanoK® improves potassium absorption into the plant where it plays a critical role in the movement of sugars into tubers for starch production. Potassium also plays a key role in overall quality of the tuber.

NanoPack is a complete micronutrient package to help plants avoid deficiency related stresses which have a negative impact on plant health and yield.

Crop Protection

& Defoliation

NanoPro® for effective crop protection applications and defoliation:  NanoPro® enhances the uptake of herbicides into weeds for a more effective kill, increases the speed and concentration of fungicide uptake, and when used with defoliants, NanoPro® plays a critical role in improving overall defoliation. NanoPro® should be added to every crop protection application on potatoes.

24-hr potato data shows greater efficiencies in using NanoPro® with fungicide

A trial was recently conducted by TriYield of Arcadia, Florida to understand how NanoPro® can increase the efficiency of a broad-spectrum fungicide. Luna Tranquility®, a product by Bayer CropScience®, was aerial applied to a potato crop at a rate of 11 oz/ac and 5 gal of water. Another plot area was sprayed with 4 oz/ac NanoPro® added to the fungicide.

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